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Old April 19th, 2020, 08:00 AM
If you already have d20Pro, I'd stick with that.
It isn't free, but if you've already paid for it, then it costs you nothing to use.
It's the VTT our group uses and works fine.

You can use Roll20 for free, but you lose some of the features that are included in d20Pro.
Namely the line of sight stuff, to be able to see what is visible from a character or NPC's perspective.
I like to be able to disable other people's sight, to see if a character has Line of Effect to something.
If the PCs are ever separated, it's also good to have each see what they see.

You can have those features in Roll20, but then have to pay their higher tier subscription.
And after three months of that, you could have bought D20Pro (that you already own).

If for some reason you don't like D20Pro, Roll20 is free is you don't need "Shadow Casting / Line of Sight".

MapTools is also free, but it is script based.
You may be able to find a script that is close to what you want.
Or if you're comfortable learning their scripting language, you can customize it to do what you want.
If you just want to play D&D and have no interest in learning to script it, it's probably not the best option.

One of the features I liked about Hero Lab Online, at least when it was announced was that you could have your character in HLO and check buffs there.
That would update the URL of your character.
And VTTs would have the option of reading the URL for an "active with current buffs/debuffs" of the character.
So we wouldn't have to either export from Hero Lab (into the VTT format) or import from the VTT (reading the raw HL format).
There isn't really integration yet.
Also for our group, there is no Pathfinder 1e version that runs in HLO yet.
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