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Old July 1st, 2011, 12:16 PM
As far as modifying the number of languages a character gets, there's an Edge in Hellfrost called Linguist that allows someone to have their Smarts in languages rather than half Smarts. I can show you how to code an Edge that will allow you to modify the number of Languages a player gets now, and you can create an Edge that you can give to either a single hero or the entire party for free. The code in the Eval Script looks like this to add a single language:

#resmax[resLang] = #trait[attrSma] + 1
#resleft[resLang] = #trait[attrSma] + 1

To add more, just change the number being added in both equations. To make it Smarts instead of half Smarts, use this:

#resmax[resLang] += #trait[attrSma]
#resleft[resLang] += #trait[attrSma]

The timing on either of these two Eval Scripts needs to be Phase:Final Priority:2000. I've attached a .user file with an example. Will that cover your needs as far as number of languages?

Having a list of pre-set languages is a bit more difficult. Since Savage Worlds is such an open-ended system, it's not easy to come up with a fixed list of languages. Each game would have it's own set. If we set it up to use a fixed set of languages from a list built using the editor, it could force everyone to set up a list in the editor and not all users are comfortable with that. I have an idea or two about how this could be handled, but it's not a sure thing.

Keep those ideas coming!
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