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Old May 14th, 2015, 11:37 AM
Good catch, Parody. I prematurely ended my copy-paste. I also missed the Firebird DLLs, I was looking at the files themselves. My mistake!

I can recognize the worry over third party content, but as of yet there has never been a successful DRM system. If they want to put the third party content in it's own database, or slipstream it encrypted into the main database, that's fine. As long as they don't encrypt MY data, I wouldn't care if purchased third party data came out as gobbledy gook. Just as long as nobody is under the delusion that DRM will do anything but make the product more frustrating for legitimate users.

Additionally, I understand them passing up on an IMPORT function if they're worried about third party copyright issues, just not an EXPORT function. A huge XML file full of D&D5th edition content isn't any more useful than the Player's Handbook if I can't import it. I don't want to export my data as a backup, I want to export my data because it's mine, and i want to process it in other tools as well. They can give us EXPORT without IMPORT.

Finally, we don't need another survey. Question #33 on the Kickstarter FAQ states:

Realm Works will not have export capability in its initial release. As with most products, our focus in the initial launch is to have Realm Works do its own tasks exceptionally well, and to efficiently get material into the product. We wholly expect there will be demand for export to other products and formats, and we'll shift our focus to include those capabilities once we get the core product off the ground.
The core functionality of the product DOES work, as does cloud syncing with a player's edition. The core product is "off the ground." Now's the time to provide a feature they've been pushing off.

If I'd have known this feature was going to languish until the day Rob writes the code himself because they're closing down shop, I wouldn't have even been a backer, and I wouldn't have the angst now of wanting to use a tool, but not being able to because a core feature (for me) which was promised is still missing, a year and a half plus later.

Sure, I'd still be using text files and Adobe Illustrator maps but, please understand, that's the workflow I have to use now, still, despite owning RealmWorks because I can't export my data for processing.
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