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Old June 23rd, 2017, 06:38 AM
New way that the Forgotten Realms handles Elves and Half-Elves is rather Experimental. It is the first step in removing the Racial Clutter from all of race specific content; especially dealing with subraces from all of my content.

I've gotten tired of seeing six or seven different "Elves," three different humans, nine different dwarves, five different orcs.. etc..

With that in mind there are some bugs that I am aware of, although I wasn't aware of the language issue. Although, it shouldnt be all that hard for me to fix. The extra ethnicity is something I was aware of and didn't quite have a chance to fix.

I will take a look at it over the next week and see if it is something I can easily fix. If it is, I will push an update, if it isn't I'll try and create a temporary, adjustment script to override.

Now, I will say that the issues that I am aware of regarding the Ethnicities include:
  1. Ethnicity sometimes shows an extra ethnicity.
  2. Languages are sometimes duplicated.
  3. Racial abilities are sometimes duplicated.
  4. Regions/Ethnicities are sometimes displayed for sources not selected.

My eventual goal is to remove the "Extra trait" slot and have that handled as a dropdown box on the Background tab. Then hide the Trait regions, they are massive clutter.

The problem with that is the bootstraps involved, it is a little cumbersome to include bootstraps through dropdown selection. The easiest method would be to bootstrap the "Hidden" trait from the option. Problem with that is there would need to be some form of race check. No not allow any bootstrapping for selections invalid for a given race.

It is compounded by the problem that I still haven't found a way to disable and hide FRCS regions when on races that do not use FRCS regions. I considered tieing it in to the Region Class skills, so when region class skills are disabled FRCS regions as a mechanic are hidden as well.

The region knowledge skills is often unused and really, really clutters the skills tab. The problem is that the Regions often grant benefits. I will keep everyone posted as soon as I can look into this.

I'm currently entering in NPCS into r20 for bk 4 of kingmaker, which will take then next week or two. Once that is done I'll be able to devote some serious time to the regions and such. If any one has some thoughts on this I'd love to hear them.
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