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Daniel V
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Lone Wolf Staff
Join Date: Apr 2020
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Old August 6th, 2021, 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by dacoobob View Post
makes sense, thanks.

would a non-infinite but very high cap (say, 300) impact performance noticeably? just curious how far it could be pushed before it became a problem.
I'm not sure specifically if there's some sort of cutoff. The issue really lies in that there's a lot of moving parts of various impacts on characters, so it's less an issue of skills themselves being problematic as a ton of skills plus items plus feats etc. Usually if we add limits its to keep things within realistic boundaries so one can't just add 50 lore skills for the sake of pushing the system (also table bloat is concern in this case), when a normal character will never reach that point. Things like this wind up causing issues for the server, which then trickles down to affecting general performance. It's also why weapons have a limit on the number you can add. It's not that we *want* to limit them, it's that they have a LOT of processing behind the scenes so cases where a bunch get added to a character and never used just puts excessive strain upon that character. It's all done in the interest of keeping performance smooth and timely, both for individuals and as a whole.
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