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Old September 21st, 2012, 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by Aaron View Post
Looks like the problem is that tGen isn't a derived field, meaning it wasn't set up to be messed with by user scripts. I think you can probably get around this with a trustme command (although we discourage users from using them, so don't make a habit of this).

~ If we're not enabled, get out now
doneif (field[pIsOn].value = 0)


~ Add extra attribute points for nonstandard point-buy.
herofield[tGen].value += field[pAdjust].value
ok tried this when I got home. tested the script and it passed. but in using it, you add the permanent point adjustment , and then it doesn't matter which way you spend your points, up or down... the amount of points left keeps going up. So I can raise all my starting stats to 18, and I end up with an additional 134 points left.
If nothing else this is a fun experiment.
I tried adding min and max values in the fields below the eval script and it did not have any effect.
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