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Join Date: Oct 2010
Location: Indianapolis, IN
Posts: 50

Old April 26th, 2012, 11:24 AM
So I've been trying this out yesterday and today. Mostly great. Much faster/better than booting the VM I was using to do that, so kodos!

I've run into a problem twice now which I've needed to force kill HL via the Activity Monitor.

What happens is this: I'm switching between apps (both times Chrome/Gmail/with an active chat) to HL. I'm chatting with a buddy flipping between the two. 'For some reason' HL won't come back to focus. I can drag down to tile all apps and select it again, but it doesn't come back into focus. I tried closing everything else so that it was the only thing running, but I can never get the top task menu bar to say 'Hero Labs' again. Thus I can't save/quit/etc the app and my only recourse it to kill the whole thing via Activity Monitory.

I'm a MAC neophyte, but I have an IT background (Linux sysadmin, RHCE etc, etc,) I've tried switching back to the application 2-3 different ways I know of and nothing gets me there. It doesn't happen every time, of course, and if I figure out how to reproduce it reliably I'll update this.

Any other thoughts on what I can do/should do/log if this happens again?

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