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Lone Wolf Staff
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Old March 31st, 2012, 07:40 AM
This thread is intended as a collection for any bug reports for the 3/30/12 update.

Note that there are still some projects we have not had a chance to complete:
  1. Combat
    • Apply wound modifiers to the appropriate tests.
  2. Magic
    • Astral Attributes, Perception, Projection and Combat (currently incomplete)
  3. Matrix & Technomancers
    • AR vs. VR vs. Hot-Sim VR (currently incomplete)
    • Active/Passive/Hidden mode
  4. Vehicles & Drones
    • Rigging & Jumping In (including full handling for cyborgs)
  5. NPCs & Critters
    • Grunt/Lieutenant NPC Mechanics
    • Group/Professional Rating
    • Critters
  6. Miscellaneous
    • Track what senses a character currently has active, and report that to the user in a single list. This will be a list of special senses that's shown when you move your mouse over the Perception dicepool at the top of the screen.
    • For the Condition Monitors on the In-Play tab, replace the numbers with boxes
    • Apply various "All Actions", "All Physical Actions", "All Matrix Actions" etc. bonuses/penalties, including wound penalties
    • Modify Contacts so that they can't be altered on the Social tab during Advancement mode, but are instead changed on the Advancement tab, to preserve a record of how your relationship with that contact changed.
    • Guest cost for a lifestyle, shared lifestyles, permanent lifestyles
  7. Augmentation
    • Biodrones (this requires the rules for critters to be finished first).
  8. Street Magic
    • The sample vessels on pg 87 (in terms of how they'll be handled in Hero Lab, the vessels are critter races that are possessed by the spirits, so this project requires the critter rules to be finished first).
These are all known issues, and there's no need to report them as errors.
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