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Old February 1st, 2012, 12:25 PM
Carrier wing Validation

I need to make a validation of fighter wings, called Fleet Wings, on any ship that can carry those wings.


Any ship that carries wings has a Fleet Wing rating (FW)

That ship can have that number of wings or none.

If it does take wings it must have all the same kind of wings.

As far as I can tell I need a validation rule that looks at the FW rating of the ship and allows no wings to be a valid condition.

It also has to look at the FW rating and have that number of wings as valid.

Lastly it has to check the winds added and make sure they are all of the same type.

It would be useful if when you added wings it automatically added wings that were equal to the FW rating.

Here is the link to a minimal set of rules that anyone can download to help me with this.

Thank you for your help!
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