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Join Date: Aug 2011
Posts: 82

Old January 1st, 2012, 12:28 PM
No, the problem is not the skill in attribute look up of characters. It is simply that sprites and agents do not have meat body initiatives to fall back to when they jump into the drones or vehicles as riggers do. It's an attribute value that is not available to them. The way the game developers set things up riggers use their meat body initiative and not the pilot's/drone's when they're jumped in. When they're in AR or HSI then they use their respective matrix initiatives just as the sprites and agents would use their matrix initiatives. No where did the developers define what initiative the spirtes and agents would use when jumped into a drone or vehicle. If they would just add one little statement or paragraph regarding what initiative value they should be using when jumped in, then everything would be golden.
So, the look up methods in HL are not at fault. It's a lack of definition for non existant variables on 2 types of entities. The developers defined the initiative limitations for spirits when they manifest or materialize in the real world. The developers should do the same for sprites and agents that are effectively manifesting in the form of the drones or vehicles they are occupying.
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