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Join Date: Nov 2010
Posts: 64

Old December 1st, 2011, 07:20 AM
Hello, I have been wondering about this for a while now so I figured I would ask.

Will Realm Works allow me as a GM to track when some players know certain facts about a campaign that others do not? Looking at the example pics it seems like only general party knowledge is trackable.

If the answer to the above question is yes, will only players who know something be able to see that info when they log into the cloud to review campaign notes?

And if all that is true will there be a way for me as a DM to remind specific players that they have confidential info through the program? i.e. some way to flag pieces of information as secret to that player.

Will there be a way for me to use the RW interface to send and recieve private messages that they will see when they log into the campaign cloud site?

Will there be a way for the GM to track which messages have been read?

Even though I don't like it my current players love to comiserate with the GM away from the table. Hoping that RW will help me keep track of that sort of activity.
I am looking forward to trying Realm Works when it becomes available.
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