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Marvel Cortex+ License


Well-known member
I've seen a few people posting about how the new Marvel RPG is supposed to be in Cortex+. Have there been any talks of getting that into the supported systems once Cortex is once more available? (Incidentally, I have no idea how Cortex+ differs from Cortex)

On first blush, I thought there might be an issue with M&M3E/DC Adventures being supported, but that's probably not an issue since it's explicitly non-licensed material only from the 3E system, nothing actually from DC.
Cortex+ actually has no set rules, smallville is very different from say Leveredge it varies with each game. Basically as far as I can tell the + just tells you it doesn't use the standard cortex system.
I'm looking foward to a Marvel Cortex license. MWP shouldn't call it Cortex+ due to the reasons that were mentioned before in this thread. It differs, a lot, from each game. Marvel Heroic RPG has been so successful so far that they should rename the system to Heroic Cortex or something in those lines and then include that as an expansion for the regular Cortex Hero Lab license. Just a thought.
I love MHR and would love to be able to use my Herolab for use during a session. The new Marvel game is not extensive with equations and specifics but it would be great for datafile info storing and options when building a hero from scratch. Oh and for tracking initiative (minor but still nice to have).
