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Old April 24th, 2011, 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by Arijharn View Post
G'day fellow Warhammer devotee's, I have found what I think to be not necessarily a 'bug' but an oversight and it is (drumroll please): Vampire Counts and the magic item choices. What is the oversight? Namely that Army Builder offers to much choice.

According to the current Army list; the only common items the vampire counts are allowed to use are as follows (using the rules as they appear in the Warhammer rulebook, but at the points listed in the Army book. src: Vampire Counts Errata v1.3 located on the GW website).

Sword of Striking (15pts)
Sword of Battle (15pts)
Sword of Might (15pts)
Biting Blade (5pts)
Enchanted Shield (15pts)
Talisman of Protection (15pts)
Staff of Sorcery (35pts)
Dispel Scroll (25pts)
Power Stone (20pts)
War Banner(25pts)

I'm pretty sure all the magic items have been updated anyway, but my point being is that I'm pretty sure that unfortunately no one can wear the Armour of Destiny (:'() or use that 4+ Ward Save talisman (Preservation?).

EDIT: The entry for Count Mannfred (Lords choice) does not include an option for a Barded Nightmare at a cost of 20pts
The restriction limitig vampire counts to those items doesn't exist. The army book for VC lists common magic items but doesn't restrict you to only those items. Whereas other armybook specifically state that all other items are excluded there is no such referance in teh VC army book. Thus they can choose from all teh common items so long they follow all the normal rules.

But you are correct with them using the points from their armybook adn the rules from the main rulebook for the duplicate items. But this has already been adressed for the VC items. However it does state that only VC units can use items from artifacts of death.. i.e. a high elf army couldn't use the vampire sword of "blood drinker" but that's the reverse of what you're trying to say -and probally where the confusion lies.
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