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Old November 11th, 2010, 08:42 PM
Installing to "Program Files" instead of "Program Files (x86)" won't make any difference. Windows 7 has the convention of putting 64-bit applications in "Program Files" and 32-bit applications in "Program Files (x86)". Since I didn't know which O/S you were running, I didn't clarify this little detail.

At this point, I'm guessing the easiest alternative is to uninstall and reinstall in the default folder ("c:\herolab"). Remember, you'll also need to move all the 4E downloaded data into the proper folder for the new install. There might be a way to get this sorted out, but it's going to be difficult without having access to your computer to check lots of stuff and "follow the breadcrumbs" to a solution.

Unless you make substantive changes to your computer, the licensing mechanism should report the "identity" for your computer every time. So uninstalling and then reinstalling should work smoothly. It will simply look like to our server like you're reinstalling the product on the same computer as before - which is exactly what you're doing.

We should have this all sorted out in the next feature update of Hero Lab (V3.7). However, until then, this combination of variables is an Achilles heel for the product. I'm sorry you ran into it, and hopefully everything will run smoothly once you do the reinstall. <fingers crossed>
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