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Old November 9th, 2010, 02:40 AM
Originally Posted by rob View Post
Diceman, I just saw the latest thread you started on the Wizards forums. After a few hours, you felt the need to start assuming our motives are criminal? And that we would actually delete your post? Wow!

Please note that Lone Wolf Development is a tiny company with a very small staff. We don't have a dedicated team monitoring the forums 24/7. We saw your post late this afternoon and then needed to carve out the time from a packed schedule to provide a proper reply.

I can wholly understand your desire to get clarification on the situation between Lone Wolf and Wizards. However, please be both realistic and reasonable in (a) your expectations for response times and (b) your unfounded assumption of willful foul-play. Give us a chance to provide you with the information you want and then make an informed assessment.

Please note: I have a packed schedule again tomorrow and throughout the week. I'll do my best to answer questions here, but please don't assume that my inability to respond immediately means we're doing something nefarious. It simply means I've got lots of other responsibilities that I'm tending to and I will get back to you when I can. Thanks!
I appreciate the feedback. Thank you for taking the time to explain your situation and history with WOTC.
As far as the thread I started, I admit it was a bit harsh and the tone was probably uncalled for. I will not post any more threads concerning your products on WOTC's website and will direct any further questions regarding Hero lab here.
I can understand having a packed schedule and probably should have waited longer before posting that thread. I was about to go to work on an extended shift myself and a bit of frustration had set in. So if my post caused offense then I offer my apology.

At the end of the day I am just trying to make decisions that are fair to both companies and trying to stay in the spirit of what each company conciders fair use of their products.
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