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Old July 8th, 2010, 06:47 PM
I believe HL uses XML, but I'm completely unfamiliar with other scripting languages, so I have no idea how to interpret what you wrote.

Fortunately, it is actually pretty simple to add an eval script adding the class level as a bonus, assuming you have already created the Craft skills you have listed up there.

Sometime in the post levels phase make this eval script on the class special.

var bonus as number
bonus = field[xTotalLev].value
#skillbonus[kXXX] += bonus

Where XXX is the unique id for each of those craft skills you made.

I would argue for just making a class special that specifies the bonus however, because even though some of those skills often use metal or stone they need not always. For example "Craft: Weapon" could be used to make bone spears, wooden quarterstaves, or clubs made of chitin. "Craft: Armor" usually uses metal, but not for hide, leather, bone, or wood armors.

On the other hand, things like "Craft: Furniture" usually use wood, but it might get a bonus if you were making a stone desk or something.
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