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Old February 26th, 2010, 10:44 PM
Excellent timing with this question!!!

We've been waiting for some clarifications from Paizo regarding how we were planning to proceed with the Pathfinder add-ons. We finally obtained that info *last night* and can now wrap up the pending add-ons pretty quickly. So here's where we stand....

1. Hero Lab V3.6 will ideally be released next Friday. March 5th. It's possible it will slip to the following week if we run into surprises. The V3.6 release will include some new mechanisms to simplify custom class creation. It will also have a number of new features that lots of users should enjoy.

2. The playtest classes are mostly implemented at this point and will be made available in the next week or two. We'll be following Paizo's lead with how we handle them. The playtest versions will be included with the core Pathfinder data files for the interim. When the Advanced Player's Guide is released, the finalized classes will be integrated into a separate add-on that includes all the APG material. There will be a nominal cost for this add-on - adding all this material is a LOT of work.

3. A detailed tutorial has been written for one of the playtest classes (I think it's the Alchemist). It will be released along with the playtest classes. This should make it much easier for users to add their own custom classes they devise or that they pull from 3rd party material.

4. We're striving to have the Bestiary add-on released by Friday, March 19th. We're on the road at a tradeshow the following week, so we want to get this out before the show.

Hope this gives you the answers you were looking for....
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