Thread: Star Wars Saga
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Old January 4th, 2010, 11:54 PM
If you started with the 4E files and adapted them, you'd have access to the full source code of the data files. This would give you maximum flexibility in adapting the files to whatever purpose you deem appropriate. So that's a definite advantage of starting with the 4E files.

That being said, the point about Lucas being hyper-vigilant in policing the IP is accurate and worth noting. If someone were to put in all the work to develop appropriate SAGA data files, it would be a shame if no one could actually use the files. I have *no* idea what the legalities of freely distributed data files would be. Since the data files would not be running on someone's website, there would be no central location to shut down. However, it would be unlikely that the files could be actively promoted anywhere. If folks simply kept it low-key and shared the data files amongst themselves, it might run below the radar at Lucas. Then again, a nasty letter from Lucas' legal department isn't exactly something anyone would enjoy. In the immortal words of Dirty Harry, "Do you feel lucky?" :-)
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