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Old January 4th, 2010, 05:41 PM
Hum Lost my post back ? I wonder what I did with it?
I removed teh Kimono and Sandals from the bootstrap.1st file b/c you are very correct Mathias they could not be removed.

I still have not gotten the auto add equipment to work yet.

I have in my traits.str

<!-- Each School needs its own identity tag to configure the hero appropriately -->
<identity group="School"/>
<identity group="Start"/>
<identity group="Samurai"/>
<identity group="Shugenja"/>

<!-- Track the School on the actor by assigning the appropriate tag -->
<eval index="1" phase="Setup" priority="5020"><![CDATA[
perform forward[School.?]

<eval index="2" phase="Setup" priority="5025"><![CDATA[
perform forward[Start.?]

*** Only using the Start and the School tags as of right now until I get them working correctly (well school is working the start is just there I gues)

I have in my thing_school.dat file
name="Hida Bushi School"
description="The Hida War College or Hida Bushi school is well known for having the most relentlessly brutal training grounds in Rokugan. They have a grueling regime of kenjutsu drills, mock combat, and military philosophy, designed to sharpen the mind and toughen the body. They also train in full armor, which, in Rokugan, is a practice unique to the Hida school. The students need to be strong and are trained to have the stamina to fight for hours without tiring and hold formation against any aggression. (Trait Bonus +1 stamina)">

<tag group="Clan" tag="clCrab"/>
<tag group="Clan" tag="Start"/>
<eval value="1" phase="PreTraits" priority="5020">
<before name="Calc trtFinal"/><![CDATA[
~apply whatever adjustment(s) are needed here
~hero.child[resAbility].field[resMax].value += 1
#traitbonus[attrStam] += 1

I have started adding in my thing_skills.dat the following to skills
<tag group="Start" tag="scHida"/> which the sc is for the specific school example

name="Defense "
description="Ability to move out of harms way">
<fieldval field="trtAbbrev" value="Agi"/>
<tag group="DashTacCon" tag="NonCombat"/>
<tag group="Skill" tag="Bugei"/>
<tag group="Start" tag="scHida"/>
<tag group="Start" tag="scKuni"/>
<tag group="Start" tag="scHiruma"/>
<tag group="Start" tag="scMirumoto"/>
<link linkage="attribute" thing="attrAgi"/>

In thing_gear.dat file example

description="Kimono form the most basic outfit of the samurai caste, but even members of the lower classes possess a kimono or two for special occasions. Includes an obi - a cermonial belt used to tie the kimono.">
<fieldval field="grCost" value=".2"/>
<fieldval field="gearWeight" value="1"/>
<tag group="Start" tag="scHida"/>
<tag group="Start" tag="scKuni"/>
<tag group="Start" tag="scYasuki"/>
<tag group="Start" tag="scHiruma"/>
<tag group="Start" tag="scKakita"/>

in the thing_armory.dat file example

name="Heavy Armor"
description="Heavy Armor consists of large, heavy torso pieces, an elaborate helmet, and intergrates armored sleeves and leggings. Although the wearer's mobility is impaired, many bushi find that a worthwhile tradeoff. Suffer a +5 TN penalty to all skill rolls involving Agility and Reflexes">
<fieldval field="defDefense" value="10"/>
<fieldval field="defStrReq" value="1"/>
<fieldval field="grCost" value="50"/>
<fieldval field="gearWeight" value="85"/>
<tag group="Start" tag="scHida"/>

and in the tags.1st file

<value id="Start"/>

That is all I have done so far to make the equipment and skills that a character recieves for free by picking the starting school. I have to finish advantages/disadvantages list, then after I get those in I will start working out the specifics of what each one cost and then I will work on the discounts that are granted if a character belongs to a certain group (based mainly on which family the character is from).

wow this is a long post sorry for that I hope it helps clear up what I have been doing.
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