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Lone Wolf Staff
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Old September 11th, 2009, 07:54 AM
The ability to transfer gear does exist - once more than one character is added to a portfolio, the dashboard will pop up on the right-hand side. On that, look for the gear icon (looks like a bag) - click on that, and you can move gear from another hero to the active hero (press the crosshairs icon on the dashboard to change who the active hero is).

So, the export file could be handled if the DM creates a character who has all the gear he wants to transfer (and you don't need anything else, although you could always email them the portfolios of anyone they kill and loot) - email that to a player. The player opens their character, then on the portfolio menu, select "import hero from portfolio", and find that transfer character. Then get the gear, delete the dummy portfolio from your character sheet, and you're good to go.

Once we get a chance to implement a plan we've wanted to do for a while - giving users the ability to create their own character sheet formats, the project you're proposing could be done by a user. The 4ed power cards in HL are just another character sheet.
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