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Old August 20th, 2009, 10:15 AM
Originally Posted by chiefweasel View Post
Sounds interesting. Can the documentation be viewed with the demo version of Army Builder? Also if we do go forward with this option, would the information need to be in individual files or would it need to be in game systems, such as all the information for a specific book?
Yes. All the docs are installed with the demo version of AB.

The context would need to be packaged up into Hero Lab "import files". This is done using the HLExport tool that is installed with HL. It takes a collection of data files and packages them up into a compressed file that can be instantly imported into HL via the Tools menu.

You can have as few or as many data files as you want in a given import file. And those data files can have one thing or a thousand things in each file. Your choice.

The only important detail is that the import files should contain content that logically works together. So you could have one import file that contains all the content from Book X, or one that contains all the books from a series (e.g. Complete books). You could also just have a single import file for each game system that includes everything for that game. This is purely to keep things organized for users in some logical way. It's entirely up to you to decide on what logic you wish to use.
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