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Old August 11th, 2009, 06:25 AM
Rob, Colen, and Mathias,

Thank you for all your hard work. It is really appreciated. I realize sometimes it doesn't seem that way. I also know that in a perfect world you would have liked to have released a near perfect product, but I for one am appreciative that you're putting out the data set with some limitations that are going to be addressed later this month.

I'll be getting this data set on the 13th, so your efforts will not have been in vain.

As far as the PDF is concerned.. again in a perfect world you would have had this document already. I believe the delay is due to the fact that the PDF itself was not ready. Paizo is not only adding bookmarks, but they've added internal hyperlinks throughout the file to make it as accessible and easy to navigate as any gaming PDF on the market today. When subscribers started receiving their books days before GenCon there was a hue and cry to release the PDF, to which it was disclosed that they're hyperlinking the document and it wasn't going to be actually ready until Thursday morning.

And that's awesome. It hasn't done you guys any good, but it will be good for the consumer.

(And actually I tried to suggest that they send you guys a non-hyperlinked PDF, but there was no response)

Anyway, I have a lot of enthusiasm for this data set.. Thank you again.

Last edited by JimGroves; August 11th, 2009 at 06:27 AM.
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