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Old November 9th, 2023, 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by Mathias View Post
If you're an alchemist or some archetype that allows you to create temporary items, there will be a table of batches to prepare (the exact terminology may vary whether it's alchemical reagents, snares, temporary talismans, etc). There, you add the list of items you want to prepare, and choose how many batches of each to create. Then, the left-most button will create an infused stack of that item, with the correct quantity. For a new day, we assume that most alchemists won't vary their choices much, so we don't just clear the whole set - for each item where you've used some, go to the same button that created the infused stack, press it again (there will be a different icon, but in the same column), and it will reset that stack back to an un-used state with the original quantity.
Okay let's say I'm starting my adventure with a clean slate so I delete all my batches and clear all alchemical items from my inventory because I've been doing things wrong all the time.

So my venture captain tells me that me and my three best Pathfinder buddies are being sent to the icy mountains of the Heaven's Path and to be wary of poisonous ice spiders.

So to be properly prepared I make two batches of lesser winter wolf elixir to have enough for the four of us. a batch of lesser antidote to give us two doses to have at hand and a batch of lesser elixir of life to give us some healing.

This should give us 4,2,2 respectively of each, leaving 4 reagents in reserve for Quick Alchemy.

So to this, I go to my Build area and under Wizard i prepare those batches in Infused alchemical items to prepare having fixed my issues with advice from earlier posts.

Now going into my Alchemical Items list in the build section Nothing is listed save for an unquantified Batches of Infused Reagents in my Alchemical items Non-Infused list.

There is nothing showing up in my infused list whether self created or by others. What am I doing wrong? And how should Quick Alchemy be handled in play? When I go to the Play side I see reagents 8/8 Prepared 4. Shouldn't that be 4/8 since I've used 4 already?

Last edited by LazarX; November 9th, 2023 at 08:48 PM.
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