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Old August 12th, 2023, 09:16 AM
Yes, I know it isn't technically a SW setting but some players seem interested in porting the setting over to SW. So I am the HeroLab guy who has to make it work

Warforged have a a Racial Property called "Integrated Protection" that gives them natural armour of +2.

~set the defensive value for the armor
      perform hero.child[armNatural].setfocus
      focus.field[defDefense].value = 2
Bootstraps: armNatural Fields Id: livename Value: Integrated Armor

Works correctly.

Now they have a Racial Edge option called "Adamantine Body" that boosts the armor from +2 to +4.

~set the defensive value for the armor
      perform hero.child[armNatural].setfocus
      focus.field[livename].text = "Adamantine Armor"
      focus.field[defDefense].value += 2
On the Armory Tab we now see +4 Adamantine Armor. But on the Basics Tab our Touch still reads 6(2). It isn't adding the +2 to the armor like the initial Racial Property did.

Any suggestions? There are no errors.
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