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Daniel V
Senior Member
Lone Wolf Staff
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 422

Old February 15th, 2023, 09:54 PM
As someone who plays in Foundry for two games, I hear you. I can't really give any extensive answer here, as there really isn't one currently, but I'll give the quick one I can for the moment since the state of foundry import actually was discussed briefly a week or so ago. There's not any current plans to build an importer on our side, that'd be something on their end (or a user module as the case may be, API import is not my forte). It has come to attention though that yeah, there's a number of things that don't really work currently that may need attention on our end, so examining the data we send is floating among the upcoming projects to discuss priorities for once Treasure Vault stops kicking our butts.
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