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Daniel V
Senior Member
Lone Wolf Staff
Join Date: Apr 2020
Posts: 415

Old November 22nd, 2022, 09:40 AM
Important Highlights

New Content
  • PF2 - Kingmaker is now available!
  • PF2 - A Taste of Ashes, the 5th issue of the Blood Lords AP, is available!

The Nitty Gritty

Bug Fixes
  • PF2 - The Assured Knowledge feat was not counting as a prereq substitute for the Automatic Knowledge skill feat.
  • PF2 - The Detective's Readiness feat's bonus to saves was not improving when Pursue a Lead's bonus increased.
  • PF2 - The Harming Hands feat was increasing the die size of heal instead of harm.
  • PF2 - Animal companions that could start as different sizes were not showing as valid options for characters who required a companion larger than themselves (such as a Cavalier), even if one of the size options would satisfy that requirement.
  • PF2 - The mature animal companion benefits were increasing the size of companions that already started as Large.
  • PF2 - When firing both barrels of a weapon with the double barrel trait, the fatal trait's die size was not being increased.
  • SF - Mechanics with the Experimental Weapon Prototype alternate class feature were not gaining the benefits of weapon specialization with weapons of the proficiency they chose.
  • PF1 - The adjustment for Ray of Enfeeblement was adding a bonus to Strength instead of penalizing it.
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