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Old April 28th, 2022, 10:22 AM
Originally Posted by djc664 View Post
As a GM, I'd like to be able to set the campaign standard of sources from a list that identifies the sources I've purchased but lets me check anything off.

Current Experience: The GM Campign Character Options shows all sources and everything is selectable, but it does not show which options ones are owned / shared via my Patron Slot.
I'm not LW but can try to answer the "am I missing something/doing something wrong" part.

I'm not sure I understand this one. Are you wanting to check off sources you don't own, and lock the players to these? Currently, there's no distinction between your campaign options and the patron sharing slot—you set the campaign to use a sharing slot, and select which sources are shared.

There is no "campaign source on, sharing off" option to make a source GM only, nor is there a "not owned/shared, but on as a campaign source if they own it."

Current Experirence: I can take control of a PC so that it shows under GM PC. Within the 3-dot menu, I select "use campaign options", which would assign the defaullt campaign source list.

New characters are beig made and they show "Options Mismatch". I moved them to GM PC and selected "use campaign options" being careful to only have owned and shared selections. The error message disappears for a second after clicking, but then reappears.
The rest of your desired features seem related to options mismatch. The options mismatch alert can been broken for awhile. It seems to be continuously displayed for some characters, and no amount of moving ownership or applying campaign options will remove it.

I can see a view that shows what the mismatches are being valuable. It would help to be able to see what sources people are using. The shared options aren't editable by the players, though, so they can only change the sources, AFAIK.
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