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Old October 21st, 2021, 11:59 PM
Originally Posted by Sword_of_Spirit View Post
I'd probably pick it applying to unrevealed entries by default. That's just a matter of preference. If I reveal an entry and don't want the party to know everything about it, I'll have to either remove the secret formatting from the parts I want them to see, or add it to the parts I don't. Since I often start out with them only getting small bits of information about a topic, having to manually un-secret the info is likely the better option for me. (It's obviously a chore to do compared to RW, but I'll have to do it one way or another regardless.)
I'm working on this at the moment. It gets a lot more complex when you consider how reveal affects linking - the relationships and governed content need to have links hidden if they aren't revealed (or the topic to which they're connected isn't revealed).

And whilst writing the above I've realised that links within the body of the text can't really be replaced with just the text if the linked topic isn't already revealed. I don't have a solution for this particular aspect (other than creating completely separate PLAYER and GM versions of each revealed topic).

Maybe I should simplify this by having a switch for reveal processing. If the TOPIC is revealed, then the body will ONLY contain revealed content - so links to unrevealed topics can be created as normal text. If the topic is NOT revealed, then it will contain everything (since the assumption is that the topic is only of interest to the GM).


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