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Old August 17th, 2021, 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by TheIronGolem View Post
Can you post your .por file, please? The damage is scaling correctly for me so I'd like to see if there's something else on your character that's interacting with Destructive Blade.
Oddly, today it's working well with the scaling. The other odd things are still odd though. I've made a .por that provides examples.

Author's note from the Wiki: While the destructive blade is in most ways a unique (blast shape), once the destructive blade is formed, it is treated as either a light or one-handed weapon (and may be finessed normally or used as a light weapon for two-weapon fighting). You may select Weapon Focus (destructive blade) and other similar feats for the destructive blade.
List of things that aren't working or seem odd to me.
- Weapon Finesse (feat) doesn't work with Destructive Blade.
- Weapon Focus (feat) doesn't have an option for Destructive Blade.
- Imbue Strike (feat) doesn't work with Destructive Blade but does work with physical weapons.
- Arcane Strike (feat) requires Imbue Strike as a prerequisite but is not listed as nor is a prerequisite.
- Arcane Strike (feat) works with Destructive Blast but not Destructive Blade and doesn't work with physical weapons.
- Power Attack (feat) removes the appropriate amount of attack bonus but does not add any damage.
- Deadly Targeting (feat) works on Destructive Blast but not Destructive Blade.
- Greater Blast (magic talent) does not exist in USoP.
- Focused Blast (magic talent) works on Destructive Blast but not Destructive Blade, which while a blast shape via the archetype is not a blast shape talent as excluded in the text.
- Mystic Might (mystic combat) overwrites Alteration: Size Change (sphere talent) rather than overlapping it.
- Quickened Reflexes (mystic combat) overlaps rather than stacks with Dodge (feat). Quickened Reflexes does stack with Alteration: Agile: Dodge (sphere talent; shapeshift)
- Enchanted Touch (mystic combat) works on Destructive Blast but not Destructive Blade
- Light: Encompassing Light (sphere talent) does not work well with Mystic Might (mystic combat) for its +1 bonus, but works properly with Alteration: Size Change (sphere talent).
- Light: Encompassing Light (sphere talent) is not activatable from In-Play tab, but rather has to be added from Adjust tab.
- Mageknight (class) starts with 2 Magic Talents +1 bonus Magic Talent, but when adding Kinetic Scourge (archetype) the bonus magic talent is removed.
- Pilgrim (trait) does not add distance to any teleports.
- Mageknight archetypes cannot stack with any other Mageknight archetype since they all modify at least 1 class feature of any other Mageknight gets as a class feature. The 2 bonus talents are not qualified to be replaced by any archetype. This was cited as how archetypes normally work:
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