Thread: Halp Movements
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Join Date: May 2021
Location: San Angelo
Posts: 35

Old May 12th, 2021, 06:21 PM
Exactly what is going on inside of this eval? It feel like every movement mode is zero out then when done the program take a look and send out stuff. This is my posted True Speed material.
If I do this

hero.child[xSwim].field[abValue].value += field[pAdjust].value

on all 4 mode I get a +1 any time I increment the p value. Not wanted in case of zero movement mode. Work for already existing mode like Fly 10.
If I add this and repeat for all 4 modes.

if (hero.child[xSwim].field[abValue].value > 0) then
hero.child[xSwim].field[abValue].value += field[pAdjust].value

The behavior totally changes. Now nothing get printed. I tried this trick. Set speed to that swim value and see what get printed. I got zero speed. Repeating for them all i see they are all zero now and refuse to change. Shocker. I'm not sure what kind of behavior is going on here. I'm taking a break. I got more or less what I wanted from this. I can see how fast the monk is really moving and the linked movement modes to land speed as well. I experiment with Value.? but nope this is stubborn. Eh not that important now I got the rest working but man I want to know what is the world is going on in this black box. I never expect to see 0 values in movements. Example
30 speed 40 bonus
10 burrow
40 swim
40 climb.
The program insist all 4 movement move are zero and thus no reason to increment. The 40 is as designed because I add an adjustment buffing it in Mariner and 2 ranger Roving.

After browsing the forums, I pulled all my edits and put it in one place now that I know about Unique and replace thing ID. Now i don't need to fear an update at end of month heh.
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