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Daniel V
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Lone Wolf Staff
Join Date: Apr 2020
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Old May 7th, 2021, 10:43 PM
Going to reply to Alientude's post since it covers a number of things and I can organize it.

Originally Posted by alientude View Post
I totally get that it's a better process, both for Lone Wolf and the user (since the bug report will be tracked through whatever system you use). I don't think that invalidates my impression, but again, this is just my opinion.
  • Updates to HLO are no longer posted on the forums.
Not saying your impression isn't valid, just trying to explain the "why" a little for the bug reporting. You concerns are pretty valid, I can't argue that. With HLO we have a more structured system for bug reports that lets us track them, same with release notes since those reach more users than just the subset who use the forums.
Originally Posted by alientude View Post
  • LW staff used to be very active here, but recently, just about the only posts we see from them is the requests to use the in-app bug report feature.
A lot of times there's not much feedback we can give on bug reports, as they're things we'll have to investigate/fix, and it might not even be a data file team issue (who are the ones around here). There's been a couple times where I've had an explanation or some additional info, like with the question of "am I just missing how to add spellcasting to an NPC?", but really it depends on the post. I don't mind shedding some light if appropriate, or circling back with a "this is fixed" if it's something we've been able to address quickly, but it's all very issue-by-issue. We just have to make sure bugs are reported properly so we can get them sorted.

Originally Posted by alientude View Post
  • There's a lot of posts from paying customers asking for updates to content, updates to features, or even begging for more ways to give LW money. These posts are seemingly ignored.
Believe me, we want to get you all as much content as we can. It's all juggling what we can do at any given time though with our staff, between content and improvements and features, both visible and internal, between all the systems. (If anyone is interested in being a contractor, feel free to contact us. More hands helps with content entry.) We can't really give good answers to specific "whens" for releases, and unfortunately our general update posts are made by powers higher than me that are extremely busy (e.g. Rob's schedule is insane). I'll see if I might be able to poke for another DF team update though.

Originally Posted by alientude View Post
  • The recent issues with the forums being down. The first time they came back up, LW posted about it. Since then, the forums just kind of silently started working again and there was no acknowledgement of the downtime or anything.
Yeeeeeeah, I'm not really in the know about the specifics, but it's really frustrating to us as well, and there have been some roadblocks with the solutions.

Originally Posted by alientude View Post
There's probably some other reasons that I can't remember right now. To be clear, I'm not accusing LW of any kind of malfeasance or anything. It just feels to me like these forums are no longer in favor and LW would rather people not use them.
I get you, no worries. I try to talk as much as I'm able, about things within my clearance to discuss lol. It's certainly not that the forums are out of favor or that we want people to stop using them, it's just certain channels for bug reports, and we pop in here around everything else we do. I generally try to at least check every day or two, but been slammed the last couple weeks trying to get all the Beginner Box stuff set up for PF2. I like talking to users though, so don't want to see the forums fade, but I'm really only able to say so much sometimes.
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