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SWADE Languages

I'm getting a validation error that I have unspent language resources, but I'm not finding anywhere to select/add languages. Is it not being displayed or am I just missing something?

I'm getting a validation error that I have unspent language resources, but I'm not finding anywhere to select/add languages. Is it not being displayed or am I just missing something?

For SWADE, add the Language skill. By default, if you have the Multiple Languages setting turned on (or have the Linguist Edge) then you should be able to add a language at a d8 as your “Native” language, and other languages at d6 (up to 1/2 your Smarts in languages total).
I'm getting a validation error that I have unspent language resources, but I'm not finding anywhere to select/add languages. Is it not being displayed or am I just missing something?


Just to see how this work, Increased Smarts at d6+, adding in all the Language skills, d8 for native plus d6 for those additional languages with the Linguist Edge as a free edge using Permanent Adjustment.

Validation is giving me a warning: Language Slots: Resource unspent.
Languages are a regular Skill in SWADE.

Okay. I see what was throwing me. If you add the skill, it uses skill points. But if you increase it to d8 (for native) or d6 (for an added language due the Multiple Languages option), it then removes the skill point it used.


I tried adding the language as a skill, but it put me over on available points...until I increased the rank.
Okay, any chance this has been fixed or addressed? Possibly in the update still pending? This is keeping my players from locking character to level up. There are two methods of language use in SWADE.

  1. Multiple Languages option (a nice checkbox, based on Smarts).
  2. In more realistic settings, languages are bought individually like any other skill using skill points.

This language slots thing makes no sense for option 2. There should be no need of any language slot tracking. These are just skills like any other with this option. If a player wants to have fighting d6 and every other skill as various dice levels of languages, well within rules. No slotting needed.

I am just confused as to why this exists now.
Hmm, another thought. Using Option 2, every character should get their native language at d8 for free I believe. You could bootstrap the as a mechanic to the setting file:

skLanguage Fields: Field ID: domDomain Value: Native

How do you force it to start at d8?

Assuming it free for starting characters, could have an Eval Script to offset point cost:

Pre-Traits 5000
~This will add the cost for balance:
      #resmax[resSkill] +=3
Calc trtFinal

Is the +=3 correct amount for a d8?
Okay, almost figure out the starting language at d8:

Pre-Traits 5000

~This will offset the cost:
perform #resspent[resSkill,-,1,"Native Language"]

~This will increase the Skill
foreach pick in hero where "thingid.skLanguage"
  eachpick.field[trtBonus].value += 2

Calc trFinal

The above works, I just get a timing error. So that would need to be fixed.

But I am still running into the issues with the Language Slots.
Yeah, the Slots are taken care of (removed) in the unreleased update.

Native Language at d8 is already built in. Once you have a language at d8+ it performs the subtraction to make up for it.
Thanks for answer Crusader, like many others asking, any idea on release of update?

In mean time, any suggestions on the timing issue for my script? If I can fix the timing issue and error, that will serve as partial work-around for now perhaps.
Sorry, actual script is:

<eval phase="PreTraits" priority="5000">
~This will offset the cost:
perform #resspent[resSkill,-,1,"Native Language"]

~This will increase the Skill
foreach pick in hero where "thingid.skLanguage"
  eachpick.field[trtBonus].value += 2
<before name="Calc trFinal"/>
There is no exact error message, just warning saying to check timing.

Hero Lab is loading the data files, but the following warnings were reported:

One or more timing errors were identified. Please review the timing report and correct the errors. You can access the report under the "Develop" menu or by clicking this link.

In the XML timing log I just see this:

<unknown name="Calc trFinal">
<task name="Thing mecHAULanguage: Eval Script #1">
Last edited:
if it helps, this is the entire Mechanic:

name="Starting language"
description="Character starts with Language (Native) d8."
summary="Language (Native) d8">
<usesource source="Haunted"/>
<bootstrap thing="skLanguage">
<assignval field="domDomain" value="Native"/>
<eval phase="PreTraits" priority="5000"><![CDATA[~This will offset the cost:
perform #resspent[resSkill,-,1,"Native Language"]

~This will increase the Skill
foreach pick in hero where "thingid.skLanguage"
eachpick.field[trtBonus].value += 2
<before name="Calc trFinal"/>