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Old January 13th, 2021, 03:00 AM
Originally Posted by Exmortis View Post
WA looks nice and pretty but as much as I hate to say it, RW just suits my style. It is some slick easy to design, build and revamp when you realize you went way off target.

For me, the ability to create my own categories and tags is the shiznat, almost all major canned categories have been replaced with my own.

Rob's vision was great, just wish he didn't lose the RW glasses, and we are not floating out into the ether alone.
Looks like I may have to 180 on this statement, since the last update it has been a nightmare for me.

I have a PF rules realm I have been working on that is intended to be an import for any PF campaign world. Having all the rules in the mechanics reference. Since the last server update I can no longer sync this realm, and with nearly the entire CRB having been done, its a lot of work possibly lost. As usual the error is cryptic and may as well be the RW version of the check engine light.

Now I have a new issue, I have been working with my first realm getting it ready and it has been a dismal experience. It has been working fine for years, until now... I make any changes to a topic, it then will not sync and reports there is too much data in a snippet. Worse, I deleted a large topic, rebuild it from scratch typing it in all over again and expanding the work to 6 new topics, and I get a new too much data error on syncing again. Other than the all new snippets I moved a few snippets into new topics, which seems to be the catalyst for this, if I move a snippet from one topic to another I get this snippet size error...Which renders RW rather worthless to me, as I have a lot of topics I used as snippet and information repositories, which I then could build a topic structure from the snippets by moving them around. I worked on this realm that way since it was created. It is one RWs best features, I create a base topic, enter literally dozens of snippets pictures, maps etc. then build the topic structure top down moving snippets into these new topics and filling out the story and any required info.

I am at wits end, and it took years for my last support cases to generate a response, no idea how long these will take. A notebook with reams of paper, seems like the future again, with a loss of untold hours.

Exmortis aka "Scott"
RW - Needs Rez spell
HL - Game Master/Designer
RPG Tools - Campaign Cartographer 3+, D20 Pro Ultimate
Real Life - IT Security
Hobby - Anything on water or ATV

Last edited by Exmortis; January 13th, 2021 at 03:03 AM.
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