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Compiling Errors with Pathfinder Community Pack



I was trying to learn my way around Hero Lab to add a few classes into Pathfinder. Namely things from the Tome of Magic and Magic of Incarnum from 3.5. So I found my way into the editor and was attempting to create a new class, however it won't let me do so without compiling. When I do try to compile, it fails and I get a large number of errors from the Pathfinder Community Pack. Image attached.


Is there any way to resolve these without breaking the pack or having to remove it every time I want to work on something?

Thanks for any assistance ya'll can provide.
There is a known error with compiling because the PF files (not just the community pack) are so large. Once you get that error, the only thing you can do is close HL completely, and restart.
In addition this will happen if you are using the 32bit version of HL. If you switch to 64bit this compile error should no longer happen.
Sadly, if you are using HL in conjunction with RealmWorks you are stuck with the 32 bit version...

The two are installed together. You can use the 64-bit version of HL for everything except the parts that are integrated with RealmWorks and use the 32-bit version during your sessions when you want to load encounters from RealmWorks.