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Old September 8th, 2020, 07:47 AM

Please set up a RW Patreon. If you're concerned about setting that up and not getting enough contribution, get a survey out to see how many would contribute. I certainly would, as I want RW to be continue to be the end-all campaign manager. This Patreon account should ONLY be used for Realm Works and nothing else; you've said it yourself, HL is having no trouble supporting itself.

You can also do paid upgrades for big features. Everybody hates micro transactions, but sometimes they make sense, and from what you've said here that may be what's needed for RW. You could even have one of the Patreon tiers include free upgrades to this.

If a V3.0 were to come out, paid upgrade, my wishlist would be:
  • Dark Mode. Seriously, I'd drop $60 JUST for this. RW is the only thing I use now that blinds me during a game.
  • Calendars
  • Error messages that users can understand. IE; Error in Snippet 5 in topic "World News" preventing import/export.
  • More robust import/export features/options. I get annoyed when I have "overwrite" checked and it creates "quest01" instead of overwriting them.
  • In the same vein as the previous two points, complete the import with errors; just skip the part that failed.

As for 255, it was released about 10 months ago, and introduced a different import bug. Daplunk provided a link to the forum post about it.

As for 64-bit, what? Didn't it go 64 a LONG time ago? I remember being excited about it when that came out, now you're saying its not?

Originally Posted by Valyar View Post
I am confused. Isn't RW 64bit application? In 1.0.1086.246 is stated that there is full support for running as 64-bit application. Task Manager reports Platform as 64bit, and now when you mentioned the quoted statement I ran the executable via sigcheck and it shows 32-bit MachineType.

How so RW is 32-bit? What is the truth?
Looked myself at the patch notes right from the launcher:

Realm Works® Version 1.0.1086.246
There is now full support for running as a 64-bit application. If your computer supports 64-bits, the product will automatically run in 64-bit.

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