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Old April 19th, 2020, 11:03 PM
Originally Posted by Zaran View Post
I am starting to wonder how many people actually use the Shadowrun HLO. I keep finding bugs that should pop up rather frequently and they don't seem be spoken of here in the forums. So far binding foci has a couple issues (qi foci don't have a way to assign magic points and Binding Foci in advancement has no connection to the gear and thus the focus can't actually be bound.) and you can't advance the exotic weapons skill because it asks for a new specialization. Also you can't track ammo expendature. These are all things that were in the classic version and my group probably won't subscribe after our 6 months are through.
Have you submitted a bug report with these issues yet? If not, please report these by opening a support ticket, either from within the product or by simply sending an email to support. We're only aware of bugs that actually get reported, and we can only fix bugs that we're made aware of.

Please note that Shadowrun 6 was a major rewrite, both due to the changes in the game system and the switch to HLO. Consequently, just because a capability worked in SR5/Classic doesn't necessarily mean that it should just automatically work in SR6. It may have been inadvertently broken or overlooked in the rewrite. So please report problems you spot to put them on our radar and enable us to get them fixed!
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