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Old March 7th, 2020, 08:38 AM
Originally Posted by nightpanda2810 View Post
Cast Members tab is meant for recurring NPCs, while each individual Scene is meant for planned encounters that won't be happening again. Then the parties friendly wizard ally would be a cast member, but the group of orcs he just saved the PCs from (or vice versa) would just be in the scene.

Originally Posted by nightpanda2810 View Post
You would start a scene, then import the cast member into it. Are things like used abilities/HP supposed to save when a scene is ended? It didn't in my testing right now.
Yes and no. I say that because there's a lot of functionality already in place under that covers that we still need to surface within the interface.

The backend has the concept of persistence, which controls whether a character's actions on stage during a scene are folded back into the underlying character. All PCs are inherently persistent, since what happens to the party "sticks". All NPCs created directly within a script are inherently NON-persistent, since the assumption is that (a) saving the effects serves no useful purpose and (b) you probably have plenty of scripts that you want to re-use (e.g. random encounters).

Then there are the global cast members. Depending on the GM and the nature the NPC, you may or may not want the effects of a scene to be persistent on a given NPC. So that's something that is customizable on an individual NPC within the backend, but it's not something yet available to control in the UI. For now, all NPCs behave a non-persistent, but that control will be exposed reasonably soon.

Originally Posted by nightpanda2810 View Post
All that said, I do think a checkbox to untick unique when adding to the Cast Members, and the hostility options to be a good idea, rather than having to edit each one after you add them.
Yep. That would be nice. I've added it to the punch list. Or what I have come to refer to as my "Book of Infinite Tasks".
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