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Old March 6th, 2020, 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by rob View Post
Your request is a bit worrisome, since either we've completely overlooked an important use-case scenario or there's some confusion with how things are assumed to be used. Whichever way it is, we need to make some changes.


The assumption is that "global" cast members are primarily going to be individual NPCs that the party runs into on a recurring basis. For example, the BBEG, his lieutenants, the people that run the world (e.g. nobles), the local merchants (if you opt to spec them all out), etc. Each of those is assumed to a "unique" individual.

There are also generic townsfolk that you might want to prepare for re-use, such as bar patrons, beggars, guards, bandits, and the like. Those would NOT be unique, but our assumption is that those are much less frequent than the unique NPCs.

Cast members that only appear within a single scene are assumed to be created solely within the context of the appropriate script - as "local" NPCs. They're only used once, so they don't need to clutter up the reusable "global" pool.

Now that I've hopefully clarified what our assumptions were, please explain how you're actually striving to use CT. Either we need to better explain the above model or we need to better understand what you're doing so we can make appropriate changes to accommodate the unexpected usage pattern. Or both.

Thanks for the response Rob!

After reading your explanation of your vision, it makes WAY more sense now.

Cast Members tab is meant for recurring NPCs, while each individual Scene is meant for planned encounters that won't be happening again. Then the parties friendly wizard ally would be a cast member, but the group of orcs he just saved the PCs from (or vice versa) would just be in the scene.

You would start a scene, then import the cast member into it. Are things like used abilities/HP supposed to save when a scene is ended? It didn't in my testing right now.

Am I understanding this right? If so, I actually like it and will likely use it this way instead of how I envisioned it.

All that said, I do think a checkbox to untick unique when adding to the Cast Members, and the hostility options to be a good idea, rather than having to edit each one after you add them.

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