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Old November 21st, 2019, 10:53 PM
This is an ongoing issue, even within a Setting at times. What we (Setting Authors) have always done is replace any Edges affected with replacement versions for the Setting. Anything that has Edge.MyName as part of it's prerequisite would also have to be precluded and recreated. Yes, this can have a nasty domino effect. Not really a lot to do about it, part of the cost of flexibility. We try to structure things to avoid this, but it's not always possible. Oh, also, now that I think of it having the tag would not solve something like a pickreq, it would only work if the prereq used a tag test.

Currently In Development: Savage Pathfinder, SWADE Fantasy Companion
Future Development: SWADE Super Powers Companion, SWADE Sci-Fi Companion
Currently Running: Savage Unity Inc. (homebrew multiverse theme)
Setting Files Supported: Deadlands: Reloaded, Flash Gordon, Gaslight, Hellfrost, Interface Zero 2.0, Seven Worlds, Slipstream, Solomon Kane
Future Setting Files: Savage Judge Dredd
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