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Old October 16th, 2019, 09:58 PM
I use images a lot, as I can share them on the player view (DM Client, as a "handout").

The bestiaries are still somewhat of a use, since the group can do knowledge checks and I can share the snippets of what they "recall" based on the check.
I can leave the snippets shared for anything they've learnt, until the campaign ends.
And then either hide it all, if it's the same world, or import the Bestiary's again into the next Realm for a different world next.

I massively used the encounters build in RW and being able to jump from one encounter to another, not necessarily in a linear order.
But still able to add the encounter to the open Hero Lab (with the active characters portfolio running).
When done and loot was moved, delete the enemies and continue.
Unfortunately that seems to be broken, which sucks.
I can still put the porftolios in RW (and view them in RW) but cannot integrate into HL with either the 32-bit or 64-bit clients.
I can also save the portfolios on a dropbox folder, and just import into HL from the folder, but it was very nice to use RW for that.

As far as Smart Maps go, I basically don't use them.
If I need a (battle) map, I build it in Dungeon Designer 3+, and use it in d20Pro (a VTT).

Having a Realm Works of an adventure is great, as you can share what you want.
Creating the Blight into RW, is a lot of hassle as I'm doing it myself... important NPCs... and then locations etc.
I'd have gladly paid anyone to have done that for me for any campaign I've run or any campaign I'm going to run.

It's the same as Hero Lab.
It is free to use the Editor and put a 196 page book into HL, and with a massive amount of practice and initially community assistance/research, could probably script it all.
But I value $9.99 or $12.99 less than I do two months of evenings after work and weekends.
I'll happily pay $40 for content I'll use a lot, if the alternative is spend hundreds of hours of my time.
Or for lesser used content then maybe $10 or $20, depending how useful it is to my group or me.
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