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Old August 6th, 2019, 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by Shadavar View Post
Why did I buy it in the first place then!!!???
Perhaps for the ~11 years you've been using it for Mutants and Masterminds and the ~7 years for Pathfinder 1E, and will continue to be able to use it for them in the future? (These estimates were based on your posting history; if you did buy it in the last 60 days, then I apologize.)

While I'd also rather have new systems in desktop Hero Lab, doing so is up to LWD. They should do what they think is best for both their users and their bottom line, and if we don't like it we should vote with our wallets by not buying those new products.

As far as "all future game releases would be supported", I don't know what they might have told you. What I can say is that the Wayback Machine archives of the website from 2008-2011 don't appear to say that in a way that can be interpreted as "all future systems we release will be in this product". They say things like "support for additional systems will be added in the following months".

This link will put you on the site as it was in June 2008, so you can see for yourself:

I'm sorry you're not happy. I'm not that happy with HLO either! But I don't think anyone can go from there to getting a refund for a program they've been using for years and continues to work just as it has.

Last edited by Ryan F; October 4th, 2020 at 02:54 PM.
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