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Help with magus arcane points

You can subtract pool points on the in-play tab, and then go to the weapon you're enhancing, open it up and alter as needed. Some people keep extra copies of their weapons with their favorite configurations, and just switch between to save time.
Install the Community Pack. Then open your character and press CTRL-K then turn on "ShadowChemosh's Adjustments" option. Then go to the Adjust tab and add a Conferred Ability Adjustment. Look for "Magus: Arcane Pool" and add it.

Now you have a new Arcane Pool ability on the In-Play tab that will let you select a weapon and an enhancement ability. When activated it will apply that enhancement to the selected weapon.
Awesome, that's basically what I was looking for. Are there similar options for a warpriest's sacred armor/weapon and an Occultist's transmutation legacy weapon ability?
Install the Community Pack. Then open your character and press CTRL-K then turn on "ShadowChemosh's Adjustments" option. Then go to the Adjust tab and add a Conferred Ability Adjustment. Look for "Magus: Arcane Pool" and add it.

Now you have a new Arcane Pool ability on the In-Play tab that will let you select a weapon and an enhancement ability. When activated it will apply that enhancement to the selected weapon.

You deserve massive kudos for this option which works great. Any chance of making similar adjustments for the Paladin's Divine Weapon Bond or like abilities?