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Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 39

Old June 27th, 2019, 07:43 AM
I feel a need to show that there are some of us that are really looking forward to HLO and what it will (hopefully) become.

Yes, I've dropped $400-$500 into HLC over the years and I've maxed out how many licenses I can get across the different computers that I use for game preparation, games at my house, games at other locations, etc. I'd love to be able to use it on a tablet or even look at stuff on my phone. HLO hits all those buttons and more. It doesn't have all the functionality (yet!), but I'm guardedly hopeful that that will change over time. AND I can utilize it on non-windows systems. Woo-Hoo!

Yes, there are places without internet access - in fact I'm heading to one this weekend (four days with no net access - *shudder*). I wouldn't consider that a barrier to using HL of either form. We'll use the software to create printed copies of characters in case we choose to play.

You can shake your fist at another company that's choosing to move to a SaS model, but this is the modern world and that's the way it is. I choose to see the benefits it produces rather than negatives. And the subscription price is nowhere near what some businesses charge. Heck, it's less that what I would pay for a single gallon of gas per month.

And before I'm accused of being some kid rolling their eyes at the 'old-folks', my first game of AD&D (back in my teens with a spanking-new Player's Handbook) was played before the first Dungeon Master's Guide was published.

My only grumble is that I'd like to see Realm Works move to a similar model so I can access it on any machine I choose (including Linux systems).
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