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Old November 15th, 2018, 08:31 AM
You cannot use an eval script to add a pick to the character - the cyberware will need to run its own scripts, so it cannot be created by another script - the list of all scripts to be run must be set up before any script runs, so that HL knows the order to run them in. You'll need to build a new table where the user can add this item, and then for each purchase of this edge, add +1 to the count of items available to add to that table.

An action script run from a button could do this, but the table is a cleaner interface for the user, who can take their time to look at the available cyberware, instead of just having to pick a name from a list, with no indications of what cyberware they already have and which of the available items is legal.

If you don't have access to the structure of the game system you're modifying, then I would just add instructions to the description that once the user purchases this edge, they should then buy an appropriate piece of cyberware for free. Without access to the structure, this is not an edge that can be implemented beyond having the user do things themselves.
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