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Old September 21st, 2018, 04:09 PM
I'm implementing an ability that allows the hero to apply 1.5x STR to damage on a melee weapon when wielded one-handed (i.e. use one hand but damage as if two-handed).

I had assumed that I could do this simply by adding .5 to the weapon's wMAttrMult field before the final attribute bonus damage is calculated (which seems to happen at Final/5000 according to field histories). That is, after all, what happens when the hero equips the weapon in two hands.

However, changing the wMAttrMult field doesn't seem to do anything for me, regardless of when I make the change. I've also noticed that wDamAttr and wDamRAttr fields' values aren't multiplied even when the weapon is being two-handed and the final damage is being correctly displayed, so that makes me think maybe the bonus damage is being calculated in some other way than I've been assuming?

Sadly, I haven't found any other abilities or feats that provide a similar effect that I can study, which is my normal go-to for problems like this. Has anyone else ever needed to solve this particular problem?
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