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Pathfinder Playtest Demo Mode


Well-known member
I just realized that there seems to be no way to level up or add XP to a character in Demo Mode.

Is this the intended behavior? We have to pay $35 apiece to playtest Doomsday Dawn past the first chapter?
Correct Demo mode is level 1 only. You can make a fully functional level one character.

What do you mean “each” needs to buy? Each person has always had to buy their own copy of HL. A license is owned per person not a group of players.

Now then you could use your account to make your players character and print the sheet off for them.
Please outline the capabilities you are expecting from a free demo of the product. As @ShadowChemosh outlined, we currently support creating a fully functional starting character. This is how HLClassic has operated since its inception over a decade ago, and we simply carried the same model across to HLOnline, since that approach seemed to work well for everyone. What else would you like us to include?
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Rob, I am not sure how I got it into my head that the PF2e Playtest was going to work like the Occult and Intrigue rulebook playtests for PF1 did and be free until the paid version came out. In retrospect it seems foolish.

Shadow, since HLO does not support multiple licenses my wife and I would have to each buy a copy unlike HLC, or make sure we never tried to use it at the same time.
Shadow, since HLO does not support multiple licenses my wife and I would have to each buy a copy unlike HLC, or make sure we never tried to use it at the same time.
Oh yeah for family uses HLO only supports the one login. It was mentioned (usually in reference to PF1) that similar functionality of multiple family logins would get into HLO but its not yet available. :(

If you pay twice you can feel good about supporting the software you like. :)

If you want to be a good husband you can use a printed sheet and let her use the software. :D
Rob, I am not sure how I got it into my head that the PF2e Playtest was going to work like the Occult and Intrigue rulebook playtests for PF1 did and be free until the paid version came out. In retrospect it seems foolish.

We provided those to people who had already purchased the core package for the game system. In this case, it IS the core package. And anyone who purchases it will get ongoing updates as Paizo revises the playtest, as well as the official PF2e release when it drops next August.

Shadow, since HLO does not support multiple licenses my wife and I would have to each buy a copy unlike HLC, or make sure we never tried to use it at the same time.

We're working to put something into place to address this. There are a variety of aspects that need to be sorted out, including on the licensing side.
Demo Capabilities

Hi Rob,

It doesn't matter to me since I already bought the PF2 and SF packages, but you guys should consider allowing the demo mode to level characters to 2nd, so perspective buyers can demo the HLO's leveling capability.

You guys do awesome work and the time saved on character advancement is worth every penny. Keep it coming!

Please outline the capabilities you are expecting from a free demo of the product. As @ShadowChemosh outlined, we currently support creating a fully functional starting character. This is how HLClassic has operated since its inception over a decade ago, and we simply carried the same model across to HLOnline, since that approach seemed to work well for everyone. What else would you like us to include?
We provided those to people who had already purchased the core package for the game system. In this case, it IS the core package. And anyone who purchases it will get ongoing updates as Paizo revises the playtest, as well as the official PF2e release when it drops next August.
Yeah, that's pretty much how I explained it to my wife after I got over my Homer Simpson moment. :o I blame senility (just turned 63).
I just want to know if the licensing of product is going to be less with the ongoing fees for access, or if it is staying the same as it is on the original (and still superior) program. I was hoping the various licenses cost would go down as the online model has continuing revenue stream from the monthly/yearly access fees. Is there something being looked at as far as this goes, or is it just Herolab on a server with extra fees.
Have to admit that just like the Playtest materials are free (PDFs) from Paizo, I think that making this free for the playtest would have gone a long way in building the user base.

If after the playtest, I decide to stick to PF1, I will feel like I wasted money, especially when everything else for the playtest is free and this is a cost per player.

Still waiting for an equivalent (or some form of) multiple licence and user login functionality, and the ability transfer everything that I have already bought before I switch from HLC to HLO.

The D&D Beyond model of DM account and Player accounts and shared content should be looked at for inspiration.
I have to agree. I had all but 1 (doesn't really like digital sheets) of my 5 player group on-board to try herolab.

2 people noped out when they found out they'd have to pay to even try it beyond 1st, because lets be honest, 1st level isn't enough to try it with. Especially since you are first level for 1 or 2 sessions at most for the playtest.

Not even the 60 day return window was enough to get them to try it.

4th level demo, I'd have gotten them on board, they'd have been able to try it out for 2 characters.

Oh, and ditch that conditions cap of 1 condition. That's definitely too restricting.
Thanks for the feedback! We'll go back and huddle on these concerns to see if we can make some adjustments!

In addition, some of you may find a new thread I just created of interest, as it seeks to provide some insight into our "vision" with HLOnline and touches on one of the concerns made upthread. You'll find it here: