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Old July 17th, 2018, 06:27 AM
This has been part of my discontent with their whole no progress, at all, until the CM launches stance.

First how much of this will have to be redone when they inevitably have to convert to 64 bit?

Second what happens if sales in the CM are lackluster, which I predict they will be. I strongly doubt based on what I know of the material they have announced and the companies they are working with that there will be all that much interest.

Third the present users, which based on forum traffic and other metrics is a shrinking number, have long standing feature wants that have gone unaddressed for years. What assurance do we have that we will ever get the QoL stuff we need to ever get the things to really make RW the tool we need and were promised?

Finally Rob et al can say all they want that RW is not a VTT but the fact is that the moment they added granular reveal to maps they crossed a line. And the major VTT's are certainly moving into campaign and character management spaces as well. RW needs to either partner up with a VTT so we can seamless switch between the two or add VTT style tactical features to their smart maps.

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