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Old March 5th, 2018, 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by Valyar View Post
If i separate mechanics from world/adventure (which will be the best, as it will reduce the size of each realm and its performance while playing), the lack of ability to open multiple realms or multiple instances of the programs forced me to have one huge monolithic realms per game system. Following a suggestion in another thread, to export and combine as needed didn't turn out to be fast or convenient as I thought, as re-indexing and scanning for content takes shitload of time when the mechanics/world realm is 2k articles and you have to do manual choices...
2000 articles? Is there any real chance you'll get any use out of that? I know the thought of having a link to the rules for every skill/spell/what have you linked every time the word is mentioned is extremely appealing but realistically how often will you or your players actually click the links? If the articles simply exist to bloat your realm why have them at all?

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