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Old March 3rd, 2018, 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by Mystic Lemur View Post
Yeah, I'm not terribly impressed myself. Hopefully whatever they did will improve load times, but it looks like they broke all their forum links... Again.
Load times have been worse for me. Fonts are now too big in the forums, but my user style that previously made the fonts bigger now makes them smaller so it still works out. The Paizo folks did post that they plan to put in a proper redirect so old forum links should go to the right place, but I don't know if/when that will be implemented.

Paizo's website uses a self-built CMS on an underlying system that's been effectively dead for years. The HTML it generates is somewhat poorly structured (some of which you might expect, given its age) and the changes we've seen so far have been fairly superficial. Scraping the frosting off a cupcake and putting different frosting on it doesn't make the cupcake less stale. They've had turnover in their technical staff in the last year or so, which couldn't have helped. Hopefully, though, they're on a path they like and will keep making improvements.

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