Thread: Starfinder
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Join Date: Feb 2012
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Old August 30th, 2017, 07:25 PM
Originally Posted by BJ View Post
Nothing has changed, we are still planning on having Starfinder out very soon, it will still be the launch system for Hero Lab Online.

We would love to accommodate every single customer we have, but we simply are not a big enough team to build a new program for every device/need, this is the best answer we have and we truly believe it will be amazing once you get to know it!

Yes, we will absolutely be giving a discount! If you purchase a year subscription it's all of $24.99. We want to keep the rates as low as possible, our goal is NOT to charge a lot, we aren't doing content prices differently, it will still cost the same as Hero Lab Classic and you will have access to the Classic version as well if you want to use the files in both when possible! You buy the system once, you buy the content once. This isn't a "cash grab". We are charging a very small fee for using our service so that we can continue to provide you with character creation and campaign management services far into the future.
i understand what your saying bj, but the needed features (printing/custom data) aren't going to be in when it launches. and i bought into realm works kick starter 4 years ago and I'm still waiting on features that were promised in the kick starter... at the rate that you've added promised realm works features makes me skeptical and shy of supporting another project by lwd
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